Hypnosis and Behavioural Management

With children, we work with the techniques and methods of modern clinical hypnosis and relaxation therapy. Even if your child isn't afraid of the dentist, treatment of your child becomes more relaxed with the help of hypnotic therapy.

We start by familiarizing your son/daughter with his new surroundings and guide him playfully towards beginning the real treatment. We explain the different steps of treatment with positive words - we don’t “drill”, we “clean or wash the teeth and tickle the “little caries-men” out of the tooth”.
Our drill is called “a tooth-cleaning broom”, a “groove-cleaner”, “tiny diamond balls”, “a tickling-rod”,….

If a local anesthetic is necessary we don't talk about the syringe - “we make the tooth go asleep” with our “tiny sleeping-balls” and we “blow up a small pillow for the tooth”.

The new strange sounds which the child will hear are explained in a positive way using special story telling techniques and methods of modern clinical hypnosis and relaxation therapy.

Constant body contact gives your child comfort and security.